Hi! My name is Jamie Maloney and I am a professional Leather Crafter.
Purely and simply….I love crafting leather. It really doesn’t matter what the piece is, whether a sword scabbard, a Bible Cover or a tradesman work belt and tool pouches….I just love the craft of taking a piece of leather hide and creating a handmade leather item out of it…I love the feel of leather, the smell of it…the way it can be made into durable, timeless pieces that can last a lifetime if not longer! In fact archaeologists are forever unearthing leather items from thousands of years ago. It thrills me to think that something I might make now would end up at the bottom of an archaeological dig one day!
I started my love affair when I was 14 years old in the USA. I took an arts and crafts course which included a dabble at carving and tooling leather western style….I got hooked and the addiction has lasted for fifty years.
The aspects of leather crafting I enjoy the most are not just the moulding of the piece out of the hide, sort of like a phoenix rising from the ashes, but that I am making something that is one of a kind, unique, durable, long lasting and utilitarian. Not only is it pleasing to look at but, it can actually be used for something.
Being of Irish American extraction, I adore anything celtic and get tremendous pleasure from carving and tooling celtic motifs and designs on customer pieces. Kilt belts and sporrans are particular favourites and I never tire of carving and tooling Family Crests and Clan Badges on Scrapbook covers and Family Tree Albums.
Recently, I have started creating leather cuffs, necklaces, bracelets and anklets as fashion accessories. For me, it’s almost like reliving the 60’s when I used to supplement my uni tuition by making belts, handbags, wallets and watchbands for fellow students.
Most of the work I do is by commission and I thrive on the variety of work that comes my way. I can’t wait ‘til my next customer comes along with a request for something special… if it can be done in leather, I’ll do it!
It’s satisfying to know that I play a role in giving the gift of leather.
I am the Leather Maid and I make “Whatever in Leather”
ALL my leather pieces are hand crafted. Items that have been hand carved are also, hand stitched and hand tooled. Absolutely NO pieces have been machine produced or purchased from any other supplier. All items have been made from scratch using deer, pig, cow and bullock hides. With the exception of the jewellery pieces which have utilised commercially produced findings and fittings, the items have still been crafted by hand, individually using leather cords and laces.